PLEASE HELP US TO HELP YOU by using our facebook page or this website as your first source of information and clinic booking. Please book your vaccinations/ assist your elderly friends and relatives to book theirs’, via the below link.
IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS regarding to your personal health circumstances, please book an appointment with your GP to discuss. This can be via a telephone consultation if you have been seen at our practice within 12 months. We will not be able to have private, detailed one on one discussions on vaccination day.
The practice will be offering COVID19 Dose 3 (Primary Course) or Booster Vaccine clinics for the following people:
- Patients who have had Dose 1 & Dose 2 at our practice
- Patients over the age of 18+
- It has been 6 months from Dose 2 vaccine
Or if
A third vaccination is recommended for people who are severely immunocompromised as part of their primary course of vaccination.
A third dose received as part of the primary course is different from a booster vaccine.
The third dose should be given between two and six months after the second dose.
People eligible for a third dose includes people with active cancers, organ transplant recipients, recent stem cell transplant recipients, people on immunosuppressive medications or
taking high dose steroids, those born with immunodeficiencies and people on long-term dialysis. Please talk to your specialist or GP for advice.
Currently the only vaccine being used for Dose 3 or Booster Dose is the Pfizer (Comirnaty) vaccine.
Before booking a booster appointment please ensure you’re eligible and it has been 6 months from your second COVID19 vaccine.
You can find the date of your second dose on your COVID19 digital certificate.
Call our reception on 62652 341 to arrange an appointment in our Dose 3 or Booster clinics.
We are currently running x2 Saturday sessions from 1-3pm for Dose 3 or Booster vaccines clinics each month.
If you are unable to access these clinics you can check the Government Website https://covid-vaccine.healthdirect.gov.au/booking/
To locate a booking that is suitable for you.
For more information and common questions on the COVID-19 vaccinations please click this link Tasmanian Government Covid-19 Vaccine Info